Welcome to Third Brain

See exactly what Socrates would've wished you joined then now.

See exactly what Socrates would've wished you joined then now.

See exactly what Socrates would've wished you joined then now.

The largest collection of groundbreaking intellectual discussions, all started by curious minds like yours.

  • Universal Basic Income

  • Consciousness Studies

  • Digital Privacy

  • Future of Work

  • Space Exploration

  • Sustainable Energy

  • Cybersecurity

  • Artificial General Intelligence

  • Virtual Reality

  • Biotechnology

  • Philosophy of Science

  • Transhumanism

  • Social Media Impact

  • Globalization

  • Cryptocurrencies

  • Political Polarization

  • Future of Education

  • Existential Risks

  • Mental Health

  • Autonomous Vehicles

  • Genetic Privacy

  • Space Colonization

  • Human Enhancement

  • Economic Inequality

  • Internet of Things

  • Philosophy of Language

  • Post-Scarcity Economy

  • Climate Change Solutions

  • AI Ethics

  • Quantum Computing

  • Genetic Engineering

  • Philosophy of Mind

  • Blockchain Technology

  • Free Will vs. Determinism

One Deep Conversation can change your life.

If we haven’t met before - Hi, my name is Brian 👋

One day in 2023, I took a walk to my favorite coffee shop and opened my laptop.

I had a vision for a community where intellectually curious minds could come together and engage in deep, stimulating discussions.

I started from scratch, knowing very little about building an online community, creating engagement, or marketing.

Initially, I felt lost and overwhelmed. The idea of gaining traction seemed daunting.

I spent over a year thinking about Third Brain before anything really got started.

Balancing a full-time job, personal life, and this new project was challenging.

I had to manage my time carefully while staying committed to my vision.

But I knew I wanted one thing: a community where people could explore big ideas, challenge their perspectives, and grow intellectually.

And I believed Third Brain could be that community.

In 2024, I launched Third Brain with a team, and the response was incredible.

I couldn't believe it… People were craving to have these conversations in the world which we were having all the time, yet they had no one to have them with.

From there, slowly we began to grow mindfully about who we onboard to create what we have today.

Since, Third Brain has become a thriving community for stimulating conversations, intellectual development, and making meaningful connections.


I look forward to every day because I get to engage with brilliant minds and witness our members' growth and transformation.

I receive messages daily from members sharing how Third Brain has changed their perspectives and enriched their lives.

And in just one year, Third Brain has grown beyond my wildest expectations, making a significant impact on our members.

I know, it's absolutely amazing.




Founding member special

What's included

Premium Community Access to Build Meaningful Connections with Positive-Sum Truth Seekers

One Weekly Group SparkUp Expertly Facilitated That Dives Deep Into Complex and Stimulating Topics

Post-SparkUp Feedback to Enhance Your Critical Thinking and Interpersonal Communication Skills

Positive-Sum Meta-Thinking Mental Models Playbook to 10x Your Happiness and Decision Making

Full SparkUp Library Access to Fuel Your Quest for Objective Truth in Your Free Time

Early Access to New Features and Exclusive Events




Founding member special

What's included

Premium Community Access to Build Meaningful Connections with Positive-Sum Truth Seekers

One Weekly Group SparkUp Expertly Facilitated That Dives Deep Into Complex and Stimulating Topics

Post-SparkUp Feedback to Enhance Your Critical Thinking and Interpersonal Communication Skills

Positive-Sum Meta-Thinking Mental Models Playbook to 10x Your Happiness and Decision Making

Full SparkUp Library Access to Fuel Your Quest for Objective Truth in Your Free Time

Early Access to New Features and Exclusive Events




Founding member special

What's included

Premium Community Access to Build Meaningful Connections with Positive-Sum Truth Seekers

One Weekly Group SparkUp Expertly Facilitated That Dives Deep Into Complex and Stimulating Topics

Post-SparkUp Feedback to Enhance Your Critical Thinking and Interpersonal Communication Skills

Positive-Sum Meta-Thinking Mental Models Playbook to 10x Your Happiness and Decision Making

Full SparkUp Library Access to Fuel Your Quest for Objective Truth in Your Free Time

Early Access to New Features and Exclusive Events

Try Risk FREE

  • 14-Day "I Haven't Had a Fun, Intellectually Stimulating Conversation Yet!" Money Back Guarantee (Min. 2 SparkUps)

  • 30-Day “I haven't connected deeply yet with anyone who shares my positive-sum values" free membership until you do guarantee

Try Risk FREE

  • 14-Day "I Haven't Had a Fun, Intellectually Stimulating Conversation Yet!" Money Back Guarantee (Min. 2 SparkUps)

  • 30-Day “I haven't connected deeply yet with anyone who shares my positive-sum values" free membership until you do guarantee

Try Risk FREE

  • 14-Day "I Haven't Had a Fun, Intellectually Stimulating Conversation Yet!" Money Back Guarantee (Min. 2 SparkUps)

  • 30-Day “I haven't connected deeply yet with anyone who shares my positive-sum values" free membership until you do guarantee

Growing The Pie Newsletter

Curated wisdom from clear thinkers in 3 minutes. Sent on occasion.



Third Brain, PBC. All Rights Reserved.

Growing The Pie Newsletter

Curated wisdom from clear thinkers in 3 minutes. Sent on occasion.

© Third Brain, PBC. All Rights Reserved.


Growing The Pie Newsletter

Curated wisdom from clear thinkers in 3 minutes. Sent on occasion.



Third Brain, PBC. All Rights Reserved.