
Third Brain is on a mission to repair our torn social fabric through repairing open, rational discourse.

Our mission is to help truth seekers think more clearly, make better decisions in prioritizing personal growth, and act more effectively—together—towards their best self and greater objective truth.

Core Principle:

How You Think > What You Think

Our values


We create a collaborative environment where every discussion and interaction aims to benefit all members, fostering mutual growth and shared understanding.


We prioritize sustainable intellectual growth and focus on building lasting knowledge and relationships that endure over time, ensuring that our community thrives for the long haul.

First Principles

We encourage breaking down complex ideas to their fundamental truths, allowing our members to build solid foundations for deeper understanding and critical thinking.

Radically Moderate

We champion balanced and respectful discourse, valuing diverse perspectives and promoting thoughtful, moderate approaches to complex issues.

Third Brain is the hub for mastering rational discourse

Ranked #9 Innovative Company of the Year 2024

Technology Leader of the Year 2024

#100 Fortune 500 of the Year 2024

Best Brand Award 2023

Spring Leader 2024

big thinkers Pick Third Brain

Growing The Pie Newsletter

Curated wisdom from clear thinkers in 3 minutes. Sent on occasion.



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